A Late-Night Indie Playlist To Make The Best Of Sleepless Nights

We’ve all been through some never-ending sleepless nights. The city sleeps, the clock strikes 3 AM, and you find yourself staring at the ceiling, wondering about the meaning of the universe. Somehow, though, these helpless, insomniac nights turn out to be poetic, relaxing moments to indulge in and lose track of time with: we get attached to the bittersweet allure of the night, and inspired by its peaceful stillness.

During these nights, music becomes our most loyal companion. It accompanies our silly ramblings, guides us through daydreams, and gently lets our mind wander. That’s why keeping a “late-night playlist” at hand is a must.

M83 Live / © José Manuel Ríos Valiente
M83 Live / © José Manuel Ríos Valiente

Today I would like to share with you one of my late-night playlists featuring lengthy, evocative and inspiring indie tracks to make the best of sleepless nights. They are mostly instrumental songs, ranging from post-rock experimental atmospheres to more introverse, ethereal dream-pop vibes and distorted, building-up shoegaze songs. Their feeling is quite dark, yet intense and uplifting. They will guide you throughout the night, so let the journey begin:

1. “Wait” – M83

M83 is a French electronic, post-rock band, based in Los Angeles. Their music relies on cinematic atmospheres, distorted sounds and emotional crescendos. “Wait”, from the album “Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming” (2011) is a musical journey on its own.

2. “Building My Own Coffin” – The Burning Paris

The Burning Paris was an American indie-rock/post-rock band from Boston, MA. They split up in 2003, but in 2006 they released an anthology, “Half-Truths & Indiscretions“, containing songs from their two previous EPs. “Building My Own Coffin” has a melancholic and engaging vibe, strongly relying on the dark texture of the cello.

3. “If You Only  Knew What The Lost Soldiers Did To Me” – A. Armada

A. Armada is an ambient/post-rock band from Athens, GA. Their debut release, “Anam Cara” (2008), featuring “If Only You Knew..”, contains majestic building-up songs, ending with distorted, raw music.

4. “Quiet” – This Will Destroy You

This Will Destroy You is an American post-rock band from Texas. They have been frequently compared to Explosion In The Sky and their post-rock-ish atmosphere. Similarly to A. Armada, their sound grows stronger within the song, usually reaching an epic crescendo-core.

5. “I’m Sorry, I’m Lost” – Epigram

Epigram was an instrumental rock band from Toronto (they took an undetermined hiatus in 2011), strongly influenced by artists like Sigur Rós and Mogwai. “I’m Sorry, I’m Lost”, contained in their second album, “Reverie” (2010), is an emotional, soothing, embracing track.

6. “IO (This Time Around)” – Helen Stellar

Helen Stellar is an American shoegaze/alternative band, based in LA. This track relies on a strong cinematic feeling and soft blended vocals to create an ethereal soundscape.

7. “Distant Creatures” – The Daysleepers

The Daysleepers are an indie shoegaze/dream-pop American band based in Buffalo, NY. “Distant Creatures” is contained in their first full length album, “Drowned in a Sea of Sound” (2008). Its atmosphere is suspended, its rhythm terribly engaging.

8. “Totem” – Be Forest

Be Forest is an Italian shoegaze/dream-pop band. “Totem” is part of their latest album, “Earthbeat” (2014). Its sound is genuine, multi-layered and pleasantly hypnotic.

9. “Kettering” – The Antlers

The Antlers are an indie dream-pop/post-rock band from Brooklyn, NY. “Kettering”, contained in  their third album “Hospice“, has a quite uneasy sound, delicate at the beginning, rawer towards to end. The hushed vocals and poignant lyrics will definitely draw you in.

10. “Heavy Feet” – Local Natives

Local Natives are an American indie-rock band based in LA. “Heavy Feet” is included in their latest album “Hummingbird” (2013). It comprises different influences from pop to electro and folk music. It can easily become addictive.

11. “Lullaby” – Low

Low is a well-established American indie-rock band, from Minnesota. “Lullaby” is contained in their debut album, “I Could Live In Hope” (1994). It’s a lengthy, almost entirely instrumental song, but it will keep you stuck for the whole duration.

What are your favorite tracks to listen to at night? Feel free to share your personal late-night playlist. And remember, when insomnia comes in, put some good music on!

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